A Sunday Trip to the City

I checked the bulletin board and saw this message posted:

~Weather Forecast~ We're expecting average amounts of snow this year. Temps will be higher than normal, so ponds shouldn't freeze over.It says ponds won’t freeze over this year, but of course it says that every year. Ponds don’t freeze over in this game, and that’s a shame. In some Harvest Moon games, the ponds actually do freeze over in winter. The ability to walk over frozen ponds can lead to secret items or secret areas. And it’s always rewarding to explore a new area and find something new. It would be nice if Nintendo could do something like that in future Animal Crossing games.

But moving right along, I took the bus to the city today. Phineas (the balloon guy) was there, but so was an old friend of mine, Antonio. He was one of my favorite villagers in ACCF, and he lived right across the road (path) from Bob before he moved out last year.

Antonio, in the city: Today's menu: scarf lunch, do some quick stretches to prevent shopper's cramp, then back to shopping!I also went into the marquee (theater). There actually was a Frillard emotion (sleepiness) this week, but it’s not one I was hoping for.

Clerk: What show would you like to see today?So I went back to town and watered my flowers. I found two new black roses today. I noticed a lot of animals were out, with several of them whistling/singing and enjoying the day.

Mint, Ruby, and Poppy walking around happily.Bob, who came into view about one second after I took the above picture, asked me to deliver a gift to Mint. As you can see in that previous picture, Mint was very close by, so it made for an easy delivery. It was a polar fleece, in case you were wondering.

Mint: A gift from Bob? I wonder why?But returning to tell Bob wasn’t quite as easy. Somehow he made it all the way back to his house in a very short amount of time. He probably hasn’t ran that fast since he heard the Meow Mix commercial on TV. But he thanked me for making the delivery and gave me an old board floor as a reward.

Bob: Huh huh huh! Here, I got a old board floor for you. I hope you like it, master!