Building a Snowman, and a Fossil for Kid Cat

While watering my flowers today, I saw two snowballs very close together. I’ve been lazy when it comes to making snowmen lately…in fact, I hadn’t made one in about a month. But since the snowballs were only a few feet away from each other, I figured I’d give it a try.

Snowman: If you ever need anything, anything at all, and I can do it without moving from this spot, just ask.It was a good one (which makes me 7-for-7 this winter), so I’ll be getting a piece of snowman furniture in the mail tomorrow.

I also talked to some of my animals as I made my daily walk around town. Kid Cat asked me to find him a fossil. For once, he didn’t ask for any specific fossil… I hate when they do that, since it’s almost impossible to find any specific one within a short time frame. But since any fossil was okay with him this time, I looked around and found one–a sabertooth skull.

Kid Cat: A sabertooth skull!I gave it to him and he thanked me with a groovy wall. Of course he totally ripped me off. A sabertooth skull sells for 2,500 bells, and a groovy wall sells for only 320 bells. I can only hope trades like this make the animals happy and less likely to move out, since I like Kid Cat. Still, I like it better when animals ask for something cheap and easy to find, like a pill bug.