Leap Day

I didn’t update the blog yesterday, but I do want to share this picture I took yesterday. It shows a balloon present flying above my head in front of Nook ‘n’ Go:

A green balloon present flies above my head outside of Nook 'n' Go.Today is Leap Day, February 29th, a day which only comes once every four years. The game doesn’t make a big deal of it, but there is a message posted on the bulletin board about it.

~Leap Day~ Today is February 29th, the day that comes but once every four years! Do you feel like you gained a day?!I went around and watered my flowers. There were no new black roses today. But even worse, I accidentally killed a gold rose. Oops! I probably should start using my gold roses to line my paths instead of leaving big patches of them that I can run into and not realize until it’s too late.

But anyway, I talked to some of my favorite animals, including Bob. He is my slave now, and I’ve taught him the correct way to address me.

Bob: Oh, your Majesty. Are you out for a walk, too, master?I also saw Pete out and about, and I had a short chat with him.

Pete: I take a lot of pride in freezing my tail feathers to deliver my letters on time.

Saharah, Gorgeous Furniture, and a Meteor Shower

Saharah was in Forest today, looking for old wallpaper.

Saharah: Your old wallpaper, you will bring some to me, yes? And for them, I will give you exotic wallpaper I have made!So I went around town, asking all my animal neighbors if they had any old wallpaper. Mint was sick, so I went and bought some medicine for her. She flipped for it.

Mint flips as she takes her medicine.Yuka, Del, and Peaches had old wallpaper to give me. Three is exactly what you need to get a rare wallpaper from Saharah, so I took them to her and she gave me a music-room wall.

Saharah: Here...a music-room wall. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.It may be exotic and rare, but it’s not exactly attractive.

The music-room wall as seen in my ACCF house.Since the snow has melted, I decided to put my snowman furniture back into storage and redecorate the main floor of my house. I wasn’t sure what to switch to, but I went with the gorgeous furniture set that I had in storage.

The gorgeous furniture set in my Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF) house.A message on the bulletin board informed me that there would be a meteor shower tonight. My friend Skye had never seen a meteor shower in the game before, so I invited her over. Yann also stopped by.

Jeff: I took a meatier shower.We watched the meteors for a while, and also hung out in my house and other places around town.

Skye: ACC. Jeff: Australian Christmas carols.Jeff: Skye's in time-out. Skye, facing cliff: Obviously.

Snow Melted, Victoria Moved In

I stepped outside and saw that the snow has now melted and the grass is green again! Hooray for spring! Even if it’s still winter in reality, spring is on the way.

The view from my house, with green grass and trees as spring arrives.I talked to Kid Cat and he gave me a free wave breaker. That was nice of him.

Kid Cat: That wave breaker was buried under a pile of free weights. I ordered it from a catalog a while ago.I noticed I had a new neighbor! I went in to see who it was, and it’s Victoria. She moved in from Olivia’s town Anville. Also, this is my 2,000th picture saved on my SD card:

Victoria: But it's SUPER good to meet you! My name's Victoria! I'm from Anville.
Note: This picture was actually taken with my seldom-used Scott character, since I had trouble saving the one I took as Jeff.