Friday Night Forest

I’ve finally changed my town tune today, from Deck the Halls to the Metroid item-pickup tune.

Town tune notes for the Metroid item-pickup jingle.I opened my gate and my town quickly filled up with TZ, Bushido, and Bradley.

T Zelda: I'm not into football. Bradley: Go Giants! Jeff: Go Giants!I came to the realization that Animal Crossing needs a new emotion: The hiccup!

Jeff: I want a hiccup emote.For some reason, Bushido turned into Princess Bushy and sliced my eyes out with his/her umbrella.

Bushido, wearing a woman's wig, slices my eyes with an umbrella.When going in Puddles’ house, we discovered that she was already packed and ready to move out.

Puddles, with her furniture all packed up in boxes and ready to move out.Unfortunately, there was some drama between two people that made things a little uncomfortable. And one of those people put some of us in awkward position later on, with a long, drawn-out story that killed the mood and made the rest of us feel bad, only for that person to later say it was all a joke.

Frankly, I’m not happy about all the drama and I’m not sure if I’m going to continue Friday Night Forests. If I do, I think I’m going to remove a couple people from my roster because the game is not fun when people are arguing and bringing everybody else down. If you can’t get along and play nice, I’m not going to keep you on my roster.

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