Puddles sent me a goodbye letter in the mail today, so she has now officially moved out.
I caught up with Kid Cat and he said he wanted to show me his house. He asked for a time. I picked the earliest time it would let me, which was a half hour from the current time.
In the meantime, I went to the city. I checked out the marquee (theater) and the four emotions they had were disbelief, glee, sadness, and resignation. I was tired of my inspiration emote, mainly because it’s not useful very often. Also, I didn’t have a happy emotion, so I went with glee.
When the time came, I went to check out Kid Cat’s house.
He asked what I thought, so I had to sleep on it.
Nothing much else happened, so I was a bit confused. But as I was leaving, he asked what I thought and this time I had an opportunity to answer. I told him I liked his house.
He thanked me and that’s about all there was to it. I think that was the first time I’ve successfully scheduled (and fulfilled) a meeting to check out an animal’s house like that.
Anyway, I took some spare flowers to fill in the dirt left behind when Puddles moved out. The flowers will help that grass regrow faster.
Before ending my game, I decided to check for open gates. My new friend Olivia had her gate open. I promised her my Resetti model, since she couldn’t get one in her region, so I went back to my house to get it. I also picked up a couple Roman candles and some flowers I also said I’d give her. So I arrived in her town Anville and I decided to make her dreams come true…by burning down her town!
I’m not sure why I chose to burn down the fountain though… perhaps I didn’t think that through well enough.
I had a hard time finding Olivia, but when I did, I was a bit surprised to find out she was actually a lion.
I really liked her house. It had a cool Zelda vibe to it…with a little Mario thrown in as well.
In her basement, I was able to double her Bills.
And this? Well…this always happens to me.
In Amelia’s house, we wondered why a bird would have another bird as a pet. Was it her dinner? Was it her child? Also, I really like the look of that green gyroid on the right.
We visited a number of her animals. When we got to Wolfgang’s house, we decided to rob him. We put on masks and stole everything from his cash register.
Wolfgang didn’t suspect a thing. Shortly after that, I took my 80% (we agreed to split the money, but I never said 50/50… sorry, Olivia
) and I returned home to Forest and ended my day.