Egbert and… Carpet?

Today, Rowan sent me a letter after visiting my house yesterday.

Jeff! It was cool hangin' out at your pad! Sweet place, but it could use more free weights. Anyway, I found something I think you might like, so here it is! -100% pure RowanHe sent me a tea table, oddly enough. Anyway, I saw a new house, so I went inside to check out my new neighbor. It’s Egbert, a yellow rooster.

Egbert: Eep! My place still isn't ready, and neither am I! I'm Egbert, and I just moved here today.I talked to Kid Cat and he asked me to make a delivery. I took a gift to Mint for him. It turned out to be a common floor.

Mint: From Kid Cat? I guess I shouldn't expect anything too tasteful from HIM then, hmm...?I returned to Kid Cat, and he thanked me by giving me a ranch flooring. I guess carpets are the only items he has today.

Kid Cat: This ranch flooring is for you!Speaking of carpets, I also found Saharah in my town today. She was looking for…old carpets.

Saharah: I want old carpets! I give to you lovely new ones.So I went around town, asking everyone for old carpet. I went into Poppy’s house and saw that she was sick. So I ran back to Nook’s and bought her some medicine.

Poppy takes some medicine.Rowan, Bob, Ruby, and Peaches gave me some old carpet. I gave three of the carpets to Saharah and she gave me a chessboard rug.

A chessboard rug on display in my golden furniture room.