Who is Hayley?

A message posted on the bulletin board reminded me that Festivale is coming up next Monday. I might open my gate for that…even though it is my least favorite of the five furniture holidays.

~Festivale Notice~ Festivale is February 20th! Get ready to CELEBRATE next week!While walking around town, Bob asked me to play hide-and-seek. I was busy looking for Pete (to find out if the UFO would be coming today), so I declined his offer. As he was still depressed over that, I talked to Kid Cat nearby.

Kid Cat asked me how Hayley was doing…the Hayley that stopped by the other day. Okay, this really confused me, because I don’t have a Hayley on my roster. I’m fairly sure I’ve never had a Hayley on my roster either..so what’s this all about? Does anyone know? (Update: It was probably someone who visited him when he lived in a previous town.)

Kid Cat: Hey, how's that Hayley kid holding up? You know, the one who rolled by the other day?Anyway, I continued working my way around town, watering my flowers. Two new black roses popped up today. I heard someone crying behind Nook ‘n’ Go. Of course, it was Katie. Ugh. She got separated from her mom in Anville (Olivia’s town). Sorry cat, I can’t help you.

Katie: ...I hafta get to Anville! Jeff: Buy a map, kid.I shot down a balloon present and it contained a school chair. I then stopped and saved my game.