Egbert and… Carpet?

Today, Rowan sent me a letter after visiting my house yesterday.

Jeff! It was cool hangin' out at your pad! Sweet place, but it could use more free weights. Anyway, I found something I think you might like, so here it is! -100% pure RowanHe sent me a tea table, oddly enough. Anyway, I saw a new house, so I went inside to check out my new neighbor. It’s Egbert, a yellow rooster.

Egbert: Eep! My place still isn't ready, and neither am I! I'm Egbert, and I just moved here today.I talked to Kid Cat and he asked me to make a delivery. I took a gift to Mint for him. It turned out to be a common floor.

Mint: From Kid Cat? I guess I shouldn't expect anything too tasteful from HIM then, hmm...?I returned to Kid Cat, and he thanked me by giving me a ranch flooring. I guess carpets are the only items he has today.

Kid Cat: This ranch flooring is for you!Speaking of carpets, I also found Saharah in my town today. She was looking for…old carpets.

Saharah: I want old carpets! I give to you lovely new ones.So I went around town, asking everyone for old carpet. I went into Poppy’s house and saw that she was sick. So I ran back to Nook’s and bought her some medicine.

Poppy takes some medicine.Rowan, Bob, Ruby, and Peaches gave me some old carpet. I gave three of the carpets to Saharah and she gave me a chessboard rug.

A chessboard rug on display in my golden furniture room.

Blanca, Rowan’s Inspection, and a Meteor Shower

After visiting Kid Cat’s house yesterday, he sent me a letter in the mail today:

Jeff! It was sweet havin' you over at my place. I was gonna hook you up with a present, but your pockets were stuffed, so I'm sending it instead. Stay PUMPED! -Kid CatHe said he mailed the present because my pockets were full. But the present he sent me was 500 bells…that wouldn’t have needed a pocket space anyway! I also got a letter from Peggy, who I met in Olivia’s town yesterday.

I saw Blanca in my town today. She had a face decorated by my friend Yann in Tropical.

Blanca with a pinkish face?Blanca said her face was supposed to be a serious face. She asked me if I thought it was, and I said no. So she told me to draw a serious face for her. I don’t usually put a lot of effort into Blanca’s face, because…well, I’m lazy. But I tried to give her some serious eyebrows at least.

A "serious" face for Blanca.I continued my walk around town, watering my flowers. I ran into Rowan, who asked to visit my house. We scheduled a time (two of these scheduling opportunities in two days after not seeing any for a year or two??) and later that night, I was inside my house when he came in.

Rowan: Hey, hey! Thanks for letting me in, I'm grreat! Didn't wanna have to judo-chop the door down.He walked around and talked about some of my furniture. I took this picture just because of the expression on his face:

Rowan: Then again, folding them up every day is a pain, I'm grreat.He apparently thought my house was a little messy (good thing he didn’t go upstairs!) and he gave me a three-star rating (out of five).

Rowan: All your stuff is scattered around. You been doing some sumo wrestling in here or something?After he left, I went outside. There was a meteor shower going on, so I finished my night by standing on a bridge alone and watching the shooting stars for a little while.

A shooting star goes by in the clear night sky.

A Goodbye Letter, a Visit with Kid Cat, and a Trip to Anville

Puddles sent me a goodbye letter in the mail today, so she has now officially moved out.

My friend Jeff, Wah, Jeff! Today is finally the day I leave Forest forever. Thanks for being such a great BFF! Take care! -Tee hee! PuddlesI caught up with Kid Cat and he said he wanted to show me his house. He asked for a time. I picked the earliest time it would let me, which was a half hour from the current time.

Kid Cat: We're talking about the 5th at 4:49 p.m.! Right! OK! Yes yes!In the meantime, I went to the city. I checked out the marquee (theater) and the four emotions they had were disbelief, glee, sadness, and resignation. I was tired of my inspiration emote, mainly because it’s not useful very often. Also, I didn’t have a happy emotion, so I went with glee.

Clerk: What show would you like to see today?When the time came, I went to check out Kid Cat’s house.

Kid Cat: So, whatcha think? Does this place suit me or what?He asked what I thought, so I had to sleep on it.

Me sleeping on Kid Cat's weight bench.Nothing much else happened, so I was a bit confused. But as I was leaving, he asked what I thought and this time I had an opportunity to answer. I told him I liked his house.

Kid Cat: Well, OK, but before you bounce, lemme know what you think of my pad? Jeff: Awesome!He thanked me and that’s about all there was to it. I think that was the first time I’ve successfully scheduled (and fulfilled) a meeting to check out an animal’s house like that.

Anyway, I took some spare flowers to fill in the dirt left behind when Puddles moved out. The flowers will help that grass regrow faster.

Flowers planted in the dirt where Puddles' house was.Before ending my game, I decided to check for open gates. My new friend Olivia had her gate open. I promised her my Resetti model, since she couldn’t get one in her region, so I went back to my house to get it. I also picked up a couple Roman candles and some flowers I also said I’d give her. So I arrived in her town Anville and I decided to make her dreams come true…by burning down her town! 😀

Jeff uses a roman candle to try to burn down Olivia's fountain.I’m not sure why I chose to burn down the fountain though… perhaps I didn’t think that through well enough. 😛

I had a hard time finding Olivia, but when I did, I was a bit surprised to find out she was actually a lion.

I find Olivia, only to see she's using the Mii mask of a lion!I really liked her house. It had a cool Zelda vibe to it…with a little Mario thrown in as well.

Olivia's Mario and Zelda themed room.In her basement, I was able to double her Bills.

Two Bullet Bills apparently coming out of one cannon.And this? Well…this always happens to me.

Jeff, after being pitfalled: Ow.In Amelia’s house, we wondered why a bird would have another bird as a pet. Was it her dinner? Was it her child? Also, I really like the look of that green gyroid on the right.

Olivia: Child abuse! Jeff: Bad mother!We visited a number of her animals. When we got to Wolfgang’s house, we decided to rob him. We put on masks and stole everything from his cash register.

Olivia and Jeff both wearing hockey masks in Wolfgang's house.Wolfgang didn’t suspect a thing. Shortly after that, I took my 80% (we agreed to split the money, but I never said 50/50… sorry, Olivia 😛 ) and I returned home to Forest and ended my day.