New Gulliver Item, a Villager Moving Out, & New DLC

When I first turned the game on, I did not yet receive the new DLC for February. (But I got it later on, as you’ll see further down in this entry). The first thing I did was go to the beach to see Gulliver. After talking to him 10 times, he woke up and talked to me. I gave him his missing spaceship part.

Gulliver: With this, I can restore my ship to working order, or at least, back to how it was before my abrupt landing.In return, he gave me a Tower of Pisa. It was an item I needed, so I’m fairly happy with that. I try not to think about the fact that I’ve shot the UFO down 14 times and still haven’t gotten the one item I really wanted (a Metroid). I’ll post a picture of the Tower of Pisa at the end of this blog entry.

I then checked my mail; I received my monthly letter from the Bank of Nintendo, earning me 51,050 bells of interest for the month.

Dear Jeff, We appreciate your business and hope that you are satisfied with our service. You have earned 51,050 bells in interest. -BANK OF NINTENDOWhile watering my flowers, Puddles had an exclamation mark, so I talked to her. She said she’s going to move out; I didn’t try to stop her. As long as it’s not one of my favorites (and she’s not), she can go ahead and move out.

Puddles: ...Oh, I dunno. I guess I'm getting kinda tired of Forest...When I went into town hall, there was a blue retro shirt in the recycle bin. I had been wearing the same two shirts for all of January (the New Year 2012 shirt and the pulse shirt), so I thought it was time for something new. Shortly thereafter, I saved and quit my game.

I then tried starting up again to see if I got the new DLC yet, and this time I did: It’s the Pavé clock. The Pavé clock was previously released in Europe/Australia, and indeed someone gave me one before, so I already had it in storage. Here is a picture of the Pavé clock and the Tower of Pisa. (And the blue retro shirt, for that matter).

Me standing near the Pave clock and Tower of Pisa in my snowman-themed room.Just a few words about DLC. Nintendo of Japan’s website lists the DLC that will be released in 2012 for Japan. Even though it may not have been confirmed, I believe this schedule will be followed worldwide. The webpage can be found here: 2012 ACCF DLC Schedule.

The best part is the haunted house/cemetery set that starts in June; I really like the look of that. Those items are new DLC. The other items were already seen in Europe/Australia, but are new to the rest of us. Also, note that from June to October, we will be getting two DLC items a month instead of one. Very nice. That’s all for today, see you next time!