Even though JVGS has been around for several years, March 30th marked the one year anniversary of me launching my own domain: jvgs.net. To celebrate, I decided to wear my JVGS pattern as a shirt today in ACCF.
I heard a balloon present flying overhead, so I tracked it down and shot it down. It contained a robo-TV.
Later on, around 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Yann, Olivia, and then Bushido came in.
I called everyone to my house, but I was really luring them into a trap.
We hung out in my house for a while. Olivia showed off her pigtail.
Olivia and her friend Dennie were using Wii Speak, so we all just had to jokingly poke fun at their British accents. I hope they don’t take offense, because I honestly like the accent. :3
And… well… yeah.
We went up to the attic and I ordered a pizza.
Olivia used a sparkler on me. It made me…melty.
We all went to the ocean and got shocked. I’m not sure why… it’s not like we saw a loose seal or anything.
We went in Scott’s house, and there was some merging going on in the obstacle course/maze room.
Everybody wrote on my bulletin board tonight–thanks guys, I really like when people do that.
Even though it may not appear that way when I shot a party popper through Olivia’s head. Don’t worry, she didn’t feel a thing.
Throughout the night, we had three people using Wii Speak: Bushido, Olivia, and Dennie. But Bushido left around 11:25, and the two Brits were starting to get tired, so the volume decreased slightly to a dull roar. 
For reasons unknown, I actually talked to Alice, my most terrifying animal. She’s into some crazy stuff. 
Anyway, I ended up closing my gate around 12:15. I had a good time.