
I took the bus to the city today, where it was raining. I saw an old nemesis friend there, Gabi.

Gabi: I don't go to the Marquee very often. Theaters are kinda weird and smelly and artsy and whatever.Mint came up to me and confessed to a personal problem.

Mint: So...I peed. I'll get lots of attention with that. I'll use it, I peed!Rowan asked me to take a present to Peaches. It was a common floor.

Peaches: Ooo, what's this? A present from Rowan? I wonder what it is...I then returned to Rowan and he thanked me for making the delivery. He gave me a dirt-clod wall. What could be better than that?

Rowan: Here, take this dirt-clod wall! Hope you're psyched about it, I'm grreat!