Today, Rowan came up to me and asked if i wanted to play hide-and-seek. I agreed to play. The hiders were Rowan, Bob, and Kid Cat…three of my favorite animals.
Bob was the easiest to find; he was behind a signpost near the starting point.
I found Rowan quickly as well; he was behind a house. Kid Cat however, took me a while to find (behind a tree, I believe). But I did find them all before the 15-minute time limit expired.
My pockets were full, so Rowan said he would send me my present later. At this point, I was done playing.
But later on, at 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Yann came in, and she talked to Poppy for the last time in Forest. She’s hoping Poppy moves into her town. A few minutes later, Jorge also came in. I hadn’t seen him in months.
Jorge and I joke around so much, Yann probably didn’t know what was going on.
I warned both of them to be careful about a strategically-placed pitfall I was saving for Olivia, the self-appointed “Queen Olive Oil.” Olivia has been very adamant that I will *never* pitfall her, so I wanted to make sure I got her once and for all. Of course, she wasn’t there yet, so Jorge, Yann, and I made stops around town, including at Nook’s.
And I noticed we all had green hair and green clothes for St. Patrick’s Day.
We went into my house for a while and then to Scott’s house. Of course, Jorge had to use my toilet. As he stared in amazement at the gravity-defying deer scares, I informed him of the toilet’s new location.
And I stood in a place where the umbrella of the table looked like my hat. Too bad my speech bubble was in the way.
We then went through the “maze” in Scott’s basement.
As you may know, it takes a good while to make your way through the obstacle course. And as we were in the center, Olivia came in! What if she fell into the pitfall trap while I wasn’t there to see it? That would be awful! So I hurried as fast as I could through the obstacles and back outside. I arrived just in time…
YES! I got her at last! It feels good when a plan comes together. Especially for a good cause.
Jorge whipped out his mankini, due to the warm weather we’ve been having lately.
Olivia told us that her friend Dennie was with her. Not only that, but she decided to use Wii Speak for the first time in Forest. We went around into animals’ houses, just joking around and trying to comprehend their British accents as best we could.
Of course we exaggerate our inability to understand; Jorge and I love to joke around with Wii Speak-ers like Chris and Bushido. There was one funny exchange where they mentioned that most “Georges” they know have their names start with the letter G, not J. I informed them that he’s not a “George,” he’s a “hor-hay.” They missed my point and said “What’s a hor-hay mean?” “I don’t know and I don’t want to know, frankly.” So, Hor-hay was “Joj” for the night.
Olivia’s Wii remote batteries died in Egbert’s house, so we just hung out there for over an hour, believe it or not. We had a great time just talking and joking around.
At 12:35 a.m., I decided to close my gate, despite still having a full house (and a good time). I felt bad keeping Olivia up so late, considering it was almost 5 a.m. her time.
After I ended the party, I remembered to check my mail. I had to save a couple letters in the post office before I could make room for the new letter (which you can’t do when you have visitors). Rowan sent me this letter, along with a tall echoid. It wrapped up a fun night in Forest.