Friday Night Forest. And Bob.

Bob is over his sickness and doing well once again.

Bob: I'm SuperBob!I talked to Egbert and he asked me to tell Guest to ask him about wall decor. So I switched to my Guest character and did that.

What's the exact message? "wall decor"He gave me a lattice wall. Later on, I switched back to Jeff and opened my gate at 10:00. Yann came in. I pricked my finger on Alice’s cactus. 😛

Jeff, touching a cactus: Ow.Yann and I just hung out in various spots around town.

Jeff: How much is this snake?Bob asked me for a pale chub. *obligatory Arrested Development reference* Bob should buy a tape recorder and record himself for a whole day. I think he would be surprised at some of his phrasing.

Bob: The fate of me and my pale chub rests in your hands, Super J!But I didn’t know if the pale chub was available at that time of night, and I was unable to check an online guide, so I went fishing just in case.

Fishing in the river just under the waterfall.I didn’t catch a pale chub. As it turns out, they are not out at night anyway. I sold the fish I did catch for a few bells, but they didn’t earn me very much. I can’t wait until summer when all the valuable bugs will be out at night. Anyway, I ended up taking a nap in Kid Cat’s house before I ended the party around 11:35.

Jeff, lying on Kid Cat's weight bench: zzzz

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