
While watering my flowers, I saw some a clover next to a Jacob’s ladder. To my surprise, it wasn’t a weed, but a four-leaf clover. Lucky me.

Check it out! I found a four-leaf clover! Does this mean I'll be really lucky now?I saw Pascal on the bridge. I gave him a scallop and he gave me a helm before he took the Pascal plunge into the river.

Pascal: Do oceans cover the earth, or is the earth covering part of the OCEAN?The Able Sisters had a helmet for sale, so I tried it on to see what I’d look like if I was a samurai like Bushido.

Mabel: Oh, that looks absolutely perfect on you! Shall I wrap it up?While talking to Bob, he said he wanted to talk to Scott about wall decor. He told me to give Scott the message. So I switched characters, found Bob, told him “wall decor,” and he gave me a Persian wall.

Bob: Here ya go, Scott! It's a Persian wall!

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