When I came out of my house, I saw the cherry blossom petals falling from the sky. They look pretty and give these few days in early April a unique look. It reminds me of last year this time, when I shot down the UFO for the first time.
I then went to meet my new neighbor, Rocco. He apparently moved in a couple days ago, but I didn’t go speak to him until today. Oops! But that’s why he’s already unpacked.
Shortly after 10:00, I opened my gate. Bushido and Yann came in. Bushy said he was hiding (he was behind a tree), and Yann (who had blue hair) asked where he was as she blew right by him.
We went into Kid Cat’s house and I banged on his drum while Bushy took a flying leap onto his weight bench. There seemed to be a lot of lag tonight, so we had some fun with that. But I was polite enough to speak to Kid Cat as well, since we were in his house after all.
We went into Nook’s and there was still lag and our characters were merging. I trapped Bushido in the lower-left corner of Nook ‘n’ Go, but he escaped by buying the kiddie chair that was blocking him in. We went by my house and saw Victoria outside. I talked to her and then we all went inside. We had some fun with my Yoshi’s egg.
Because of the lag, Bushido and I passed through Yann. So I came to the logical conclusion that Yann was a ghost: Yasper the friendly ghost.
We later went into my basement (golden room) and experimented with lag some more. It was pretty funny. At one point, Bushy and I trapped Yann (who was now wearing a beak) in the bed. After we finally let her out, she used her outrage emotion. She was one angry bird.
We left my house, and saw that Victoria was still there waiting for me. Odd. She must have thought I was her jockey.
But we went into Del’s house right next door. While I was banging Del’s drum (don’t judge me) and Bushido was talking to Del, Yann got caught in the middle and was hovering/sliding around in circles. She technically didn’t have enough space to stand in that spot, so the game compensated by having her bounce around. Either that, or she really is a ghost. Regardless, it was pretty funny. (The picture doesn’t do it justice, though).
When we went back outside, Victoria was still there! I walked a little bit away, and she followed me! I clearly have a stalker in Forest now.
After going up the ramp, we saw Egbert down below us. Bushido questioned how a chicken could be yellow. I said if there can be a golden goose, why not a golden chicken? Or maybe there’s a simpler explanation.
Around 11:15, Bushido went home. Yann was going to pay off her house, but didn’t have enough money. I suggested selling some fruit to earn money, and we also did some fishing for a while.
We also discussed Bunny Day (a.k.a. Easter), which is this Sunday. I will not be opening my gate for Easter, since the item collection is a one-shot thing. Unlike the other holiday furniture sets, Bunny Day gives you all of the items, but only one of each. There are no duplicates and you can’t keep collecting more items endlessly like you can for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Halloween, and Festivale.
So it’s more suited to a single-player experience instead of a multiplayer hunt. Besides, it involves lots of digging of buried items, and that means a higher risk of someone accidentally killing some of my flowers.
Anyway, I ended the party shortly before midnight. I again saw Victoria, and this time she had fleas. I caught the flea for her before I ended my game for the night.