Four New Black Roses

Just a short entry today. Del asked me for a new catchphrase. My brain was not fully operational at the time, so I asked my friend Olivia to pick one for Del. She couldn’t think of anything either. So I just went with Pac-Man.

Del: Pac-Man... Pac-Man...I watered my flowers and found a whopping four new black roses! That ties my personal record, which according to this blog, was last April 12. Interesting that my two best hybrid days have come at the same time of year.

Anyway, just a note for those who wish to browse through my previous blog entries. I had a comment about this, so I thought I’d clarify this. In the sidebar of this blog, there is a calendar. If you click on a date, you will jump to that date’s blog entry. You can also scroll through the months, which is helpful if you’re trying to find out how a certain holiday or festival went.

That’s all for now, see you next time!

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