Flea Market, Nature Day, Cool Globe

Today is Sunday, so I headed to the city to check for new emotions at the theater. They had worry, curiosity, heartbreak, and glee. I like curiosity (it’s the question mark), but I generally use my four emotion slots for specific purposes that are more important (one for a happy emotion, one for a sad emotion, one for laughter, and one for shock/disbelief). If we could carry 6 or 8 emotions, curiosity is definitely one I would keep at all times. But as is, I didn’t need it or any of the emotions they had this time.

Clerk: What show would you like to see today?I went back to Forest and started watering my flowers. Egbert decided he no longer needed the clothes he asked me for. That’s fine by me, because I wasn’t about to buy him any more after he didn’t like the shirt I bought him Thursday.

Egbert: Well, after I thougth about it some more, I decided that I don't really need any new clothes right now.Today is Flea Market Day, where you can buy items in animals’ houses…and they can buy items from yours. I went into Bob’s house to see what he had.

Bob: Welcome to Bob's Market, where the stuff is cool and the deals are hot, master!I asked about his crack machine shave-ice maker, but he refused to sell it. The first step is admitting you have an addiction, Bob.

Bob: So, my shave-ice maker's caught your eye? Sorry, but it's not for sale...I decided to buy his desert cactus, only because I wanted to try re-selling it at my own flea market. He sold it for 222 bells.

Bob: A desert cactus of this quality is hard to find. And at 222 bells, it's a steal, master!I also caught a yellow butterfly with hopes of selling it. I then went into my house, put the desert cactus and yellow butterfly down, and then sat in my chair as I waited for someone to come in. Before long, Egbert came in.

Egbert: Open up, J-Bot! It's Egbert!He first went to my yellow butterfly and asked how much I would sell it for. I tried asking 600 bells for it, but he refused. I lowered the price a couple times until he would buy it. He paid 200 bells for it.

Egbert: All righty. Then I'll take it off your hands for the low, low price of 200 bells, egg-layer.He walked around and walked around some more. I eventually decided to push him behind the counter so I could take a picture with him.

Jeff and Egbert standing behind the bar (gorgeous counter).He eventually went to my sandbag and wanted to buy it, but I didn’t want to sell it.

Egbert: Hey, J-Bot? What are you asking for the sandbag?He stood around and walked around, and I was getting tired of the waiting. I pushed him towards my desert cactus and talked to him. He asked about it. I paid Bob 222 bells for it, so I decide to ask triple that amount, 666 bells. He refused, so I suggested 444 bells. He bought it at that price.

Egbert: Okeydokey! Then I'm gonna take it for 444 bells, egg-layer!I then waited for him to leave, but he never left on his own. I had to leave my house for him to get the message.

Egbert: Huh? Are you going somewhere, J-bot? Is that some kind of hint?As I walked by town hall, I saw Tortimer standing outisde. Today is Nature Day (known as Earth Day in real life), and he had a gift for me.

Tortimer: Look at this often and let it remind you of the earth's bounty. And the wonderful mayor who gave it to you.It was a cool globe. Apparently, this is a region-exclusive item that is only given out in America.

The cool globe on display in my house in Animal Crossing: City Folk.I continued my walk around town, and I talked to Del. He was wearing the Triforce pattern that my friend Olivia made.

Del: Would ya believe Olivia from Anville designed this outfit?After I was done, I switched to my Scott character. I wanted to slightly redecorate his main floor, which wasn’t easy because animals kept coming in for the flea market. And when they’re in your house, you can’t move furniture. So I had to keep leaving my house and going back in until I got everything where I wanted it. Curiously, Mint wanted my toilet. I told her no.

Mint: Oh, what a find! Would you consider selling this toilet, Scott?