Rocco Moved Out

I checked my mail and I had a goodbye letter from Rocco. He moved out today.

Jeff, It's been a blast, pal, but I've made up my mind and I'm moving far away. I've always been a drifter at heart: I'm going wherever the wind takes me. -RoccoIt rained in my town this morning, so I did not need to water flowers today. I still talked to some animals of course, and Kid Cat asked me how Skull was doing. (Or at least I’m assuming that’s supposed to say Skull). I don’t have anyone by that name on my roster, and never have. I’m guessing it’s a friend of a friend, perhaps? I’m not entirely sure where they get the names they ask about sometimes.

Kid Cat: Hey, how's that Skull kid holding up? You know, the one who rolled by the other day?Del was apparently feeling bored, so he suggested planting some rumors about Bob. He doesn’t realize that we already have so many rumors going around about Bob that it wouldn’t make much difference. Bob is cheap and easy, and everyone knows it.

Del: I wonder if now's the time to plant some ugly rumors about Bob and watch the fun?I dug up some fossils, identified them, and sold them. I then went to town hall to deposit some money into my account, and my balance reached 11 million bells.

Your current balance is 11,000,000 bells.

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