A message on the bulletin board today stated that the rainy season should start at the end of June. Sounds good to me.
I then took the bus to the city. There were no good emotions at the theater, but I went into the Happy Room Academy (HRA). I was shocked at the model room:
Small and empty! What gives? So I went to ask Lyle what the deal was.
He was looking for the room that was the most avant-garde, and none of the rooms matched the theme!
Anyway, I went back to Forest and then went out the gate. Ash invited me over to her town Onett. Even though Ash has been on my roster for years, I believe this was only the second time going to her town. The first time was in late 2009!
I spotted a bunch of presents under the Christmas cedar trees!
I talked to some of her animals. In fact, I believe 8 of her 10 animals were animals that I’ve had before (or still do).
I also checked out Ash’s houses. I particularly liked this awesome room with the Metroid.
Her basement is a complete chess set! Sweet!
I wanted to play a game of chess right there. xD
One of her houses was filled with hybrid flowers.
And then we went to try something we had been wondering for a long time. One time, quite a while ago, she shot down a UFO and recovered the spaceship part. But for whatever reason, she wasn’t able to play the next day to give it to Gulliver. So she had this spaceship part and couldn’t redeem it.
Then the other day, she shot down the UFO again. She redeemed the one part for a compass, but Gulliver wouldn’t take the other spaceship part. So we thought we’d try to see if Gulliver would accept it if I gave it to him. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. He just talked about other things and never mentioned the spaceship part I was holding. Unfortunately, this means her extra spaceship part is completely useless. What a bummer.
Anyway, I noticed on her map that her animals’ houses were all kind of lined up in one streak down the left side of her map.
We then went into one of her other houses and hung out for a while.
Her town has a dead end that goes all the way down to the ocean, making for a very tiny beach. It also looks like she’s flying in this picture (or about to jump into the river, haha).
Chief told me to check out her constellations at the observatory, so I did. Celeste asked me which one I liked, and I responded that I liked her ladybug constellation. Celeste said that it may now start appearing in my town. So that’s how that works.
After about an hour in Onett, I headed for home. I watered my flowers, and I found three new black roses today. One of them was at my blue rose hot-spot.
When I was done watering, I ended my game for the day. Thanks for the good time, Ash! I hope it’s not another 2.5 years until the next time!