Should Eg Stay or Should Eg Go?

It rained in the city today, so I didn’t need to water my flowers. Egbert was out and about, and he told me he was going to move out. I told him to stay, but he said it was out of his control.

Egbert: Yeah, I don't want me to leave either... It's kinda out of my control, though, unlike you.That was disappointing, but I went on around town, doing my normal things. I dug up fossils, sold some items, and checked for new black roses (I didn’t find any today). I saw Wendell was in town, but I didn’t bother talking to him since I’m not looking for any of his patterns.

But before I was done, I went to find Egbert again. I didn’t want him scrambling off to another town, so I again talked to him and asked him to stay. And he changed his mind! That was a relief, although I think that shows he lied to me earlier about it being out of his control.

Egbert: Hmm... Well, when you put it THAT way, I guess I don't really wanna leave after all!

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