Creepy Coffin DLC

I started up the game today and Pete was there to greet me with a letter. It contained a creepy coffin, the new DLC.

Pete: You have a letter from Nintendo! The creepy coffin is the first part of a 10-piece series that will continue through late October (all leading up to Halloween, of course). The surprising part was that Nintendo’s site states that this item wouldn’t be released until June 14th, but here it is on June 1st. This is the included letter:

Dear Jeff, What creepy room would be complete without a creepy coffin? Thankfully, you don't have to worry about that anymore! Enjoy! -NintendoI put the creepy coffin up in my lab room for now. This is what it looks like when it’s closed:

The creepy coffin DLC when it's closed.And when you open it, you can see the skeleton inside. By the way, the next DLC will be the creepy bat stone later this month.

The creepy coffin DLC when it's open. You can see a skeleton inside.Since it’s the first of the month, I also got my monthly bank statement. I earned 56,350 bells in interest this month.

Dear Jeff, We appreciate your business and hope that you are satisfied with our service. You have earned 56,350 bells in interest. -BANK OF NINTENDOEgbert asked me to give Guest a message. So I switched to my Guest character and told Egbert the keyword “clothing.” He gave me a paw shirt for my trouble.

Egbert: Oh yeah, that's totally it! How could I have forgotten that I wanted to talk to you about clothing!Later on, I opened my gate at 10:00. Fridays are my Wi-Fi night, or Friday Night Forest, as I like to call it. Yann came in, as did Megan. Megan has been on my roster for years, but she was previously known as Kimmy. This is her new character. She was one of the founding members of our Totem Rockers band from 2010. Anyway, she got re-acquainted with my town pretty quickly.

Megan falls into a pitfall.I showed her my house…and my steam roller. I just noticed that the side mirror on the steam roller almost looks like it’s a monocle in this picture.

Jeff, with a steam roller in his house: Every fancy house has one.Megan mentioned that she didn’t have her shock emotion any more. I recommended revealing her bed head and she’ll look shocked.

Jeff: You'll look shocked. :PThen she shocked me by revealing her mustache!

Jeff, after seeing Megan's mustache: Now THAT is shocking!Yann went hiding, and I found her.

Jeff stands on a cliff and sprinkles water on Yann's head down below.We then played an acronym game for a while.

Yann: WHAT? Jeff: Who hears a termite? Megan: Where houses are torn.Megan was away for a while, so I pitfall’d her.

Megan, in a pitfall: waHHIt’s June, so that means new bugs and fish are out. Here, Yann and I both caught fireflies by the river.

Whoo! I caught a firefly! Now I don't need a flashlight!Then we had a spontaneous, old-fashioned net fight. HIGH FIVE!

The three of us attacking each other with nets.The beginning of June also marks the return of sharks to the ocean. I caught two hammerheads tonight.

I caught a hammerhead shark!I also caught a couple of goliath beetles.

I caught a goliath beetle! GOOOOOOOOLIATH!When I talked to Egbert, he thanked me for giving the message to Guest earlier.

Egbert: I think you must have two brains, J-dog, yours AND mine!And Victoria was…feeling the summer heat.

Victoria: There's something about you, Sizzly J, that just makes me all excited!We continued playing well after 1 a.m., and things got a bit crazy. Some things just can’t be explained; you had to be there.

Yann: Vats vappening? Jeff and Megan: Vi von't vunderstand vu!Megan: There's some butt left.

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