A Trip to the City

I again went to the Happy Room Academy and again, they had a new model room.

A Japanese-themed model room at the HRA.This time, it was indeed Bushido’s room.

Lyle: This month's winner? Kid from Toshi. Name's Bushido. Ya see him? Tell him congrats.While in the city, I saw Poppy wearing a Yoshi shirt. When an animal in the city is wearing a pattern, it’s a dead giveaway that he or she has recently moved out of someone’s town. Usually it will be a friend’s town, but this time it turned out to be a friend of a friend. Poppy came from Elliot’s town. Elliot is a friend of Yann.

Poppy: I just don't get it. Why would you come all this way just to sit in a dark theater, nutty?I then returned to Forest and talked to some animals, including Anabelle.

Anabelle: The road to ladyhood is a long and bumpy one, nasal drip...
Just like your nose.

And Rowan told me he wanted to move out of town.

Rowan: I've talked it over with myself, and I decided to bail and move out of town.But I told him not to leave, and he agreed to stay. So I may not be getting that Poppy from the city.

I made two trips around my town looking for Pete and I didn’t see him. I thought maybe I would finally have another UFO visit. But just when I was about to call off my search, I saw Pete. Ugh.

Pete: Does it really matter though? After all, I'd be the delivery person either way!