
Blanca was in town today, displaying a “happy” face that Brian drew for her.

Blanca: See?! That's what I've been saying! Brian from Jannali drew this for me, you know.She asked me to draw a creepy face for her, so I gave it a shot.

Blanca, with a creepy face, looks at me creepily.She’s apparently blind though, so she has no idea how her face looks. She just has to take our word for it.

Blanca: Hee hee! My face has a real creepy vibe going on... I think.Blanca is like Katie or Kaitlin in the sense that she only appears if you have WiiConnect24 enabled. If any of those “Wi-Fi characters” are in town, they will prevent you from seeing if there are any regular visitors scheduled for that day. But there is a way to check…just open the gate. Blanca, Katie, and Kaitlin will disappear once the gate has been opened. Here is Booker talking about the visitor (Blanca) when the gate is closed…

Booker: I believe a mysterious cat came through here and into town...And after opening the gate just seconds later, Booker informs me that Saharah is now in town!

Booker: Yeah, Saharah went by with a backpack full of carpets and wallpaper... I think.I did not bother with chasing down Saharah, so I closed the gate again. That makes Saharah disappear and Blanca re-appear.

Anyway, it was raining in Forest today, so I didn’t need to water my flowers. I talked to some of my animals, and Bob asked me to catch a lantern fly for him. I didn’t go looking for one today, but perhaps tomorrow or Wednesday.

Bob: You know, lately I've been thinking of getting a pet, up my nose.

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