I opened my gate at 10:00 tonight for Friday Night Forest. Yann, Phoebe, and Megan came over to visit. Phoebe brought me a piece of cake.
Phoebe pointed out that I seem to have all female visitors. And lately, that has indeed been the case. I do have quite a few guys on my roster, but for whatever reason, they haven’t been playing lately. Bushido and Jorge in particular used to visit a lot, but I haven’t seen them in a couple months. Ben actually contacted me earlier in the day saying he would come, but he didn’t show up. I’m guessing the town filled up before he had a chance to enter. But yeah, it’s been lopsided lately.
Anyway, moving on, Phoebe found my pitfall seed.
Megan was away for a while, so I planted a pitfall seed and had started to push her towards it. But then Phoebe fell into it! So I tried again, burying another pitfall. But this time, Yann accidentally fell into it.
But I did eventually get Megan as well.
We went into Nook’s, and Yann and I merged. Look closely at the merged character on the right and you can see one eye is mine and one is Yann’s. But that creature looks so strange, it almost looks like Alvin and the Chipmunks.
We later went into Scott’s house. At one point, Megan passed right through me and appeared on the toilet.
We also had a bug-catching competition. Yann just edged out Megan by one bug to win it. I was a distant third.
I had an idea I wanted to test, so we gave it a try. This picture doesn’t really do it justice at all.
At 1:00, we did the Nook closing glitch again. I stayed outside while everyone else got stuck in the door. The person outside doesn’t see the people, and the people stuck don’t see each other (only themselves).
A little while later, Phoebe had to leave. For no apparent reason, the rest of us were all dressed up in strange costumes. I said we look like the creatures that could come out of a kid’s closet in a campy horror movie.
As the hour gets later and later, I tend to get crazier and crazier. I don’t think it’s just me though, because we just do bizarre things.
We even started talking in code for absolutely no reason at all. It was a fun, crazy night in Forest.