Creepy Skeleton DLC

Pete was outside my door today with a letter from Nintendo. It’s July now, and that means new DLC. The item this time is a creepy skeleton.

Dear Jeff, This pile of bones is sure to tickle your funny bone! What haunted display would be complete without it? -NintendoMaybe it’s just me, but I think it looks kind of dumb. It looks more like a dog skeleton lying on the floor. I think I’d prefer a vertical (standing) skeleton instead. Of course they already have one of those in the game. Anyway, here’s a look at the creepy skeleton.

The creepy skeleton DLC as seen in my house.In my mailbox was a letter from the Bank of Nintendo. I earned 58,600 bells of interest this month.

Dear Jeff, We appreciate your business and hope that you are satisfied with our service. You have earned 58,600 bells in interest. -BANK OF NINTENDOOn the bulletin board, I got some bad news.

~Weather Forecast~ Looks like the rainy season is about to wrap up! Once it's over, it's gonna get HOT!The rainy season is about to wrap up, it says. But I’m not sure when exactly that means. Mid-month? Or has it already ended? I know it wasn’t raining in Forest today, but I’m hoping the rainy season sticks around a little longer. I hate watering flowers.

Anyway, I went to the city to check for new emotions. Nothing I was interested in.

Clerk: What show would you like to see today?But I saw Goose in the city and I said hello.

Goose: That bus ride is harder on your glutes than a burnout set of squat thrusts, buh-kay!The beginning of July means there are lots of new bugs (well, and fish too). To celebrate, I’m going to have a late-night bug-catching party tonight in my town. So check back late tonight for another blog entry.

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