Plate Armor Redux

Today was the 4th of July (Independence Day in the U.S.), but City Folk does not recognize the holiday, even though the GameCube game does. City Folk does have fireworks in August, but that’s not the same.

Anyway, it was raining off-and-on in Forest today. Victoria asked me to find some ranch furniture for her, but I didn’t have any and neither did Nook. She said something I don’t recall seeing before; she mentioned that not even the Internet could help her.

Victoria: Only you can get me my furniture, bud. Even the Internet can't help me!I went down to the beach to see Gulliver. I shot his UFO down yesterday, so he crash landed on the beach today.

Gulliver: Oh, wait, that one I know. I'm Gulliver, captain of the Crusty Barnacle... Um. Crusty SPACE Barnacle.So I gave him his spaceship part and he gave me a plate armor. It’s an item I’ve had before, but I did want another one (because I accidentally sold the first one). My Scott character has a room upstairs where I keep my Gulliver items. I switched to Scott and added the plate armor to the display.

The plate armor from Gulliver on display in Scott's house.Maybe I’ll get the Metroid next time. Sigh…..