After starting up my game, I noticed Tortimer standing near town hall. Today is Labor Day in the U.S.
Tortimer gave me a picnic basket. It apparently includes mint gingham wallpaper (yummy) and some inedible blue cookies. Thanks a lot, Tortimer!
I made my way around town, and saw that Avery was still sick.
I bought him some more medicine.
After that, I noticed Pascal on the bridge. He was looking to the right, as was Deena in the background. So I joined in.
I combed the beach for scallops, but there were none to be found. So I talked to Pascal anyway, just to watch him dive into the river.
I caught up with him further down, below the waterfall. He’s lucky I wasn’t peeing off the bridge or something.
Anyway, I found one new black rose today. Nobody has moved in yet to take Kid Cat’s place, but I bet that will happen soon.