Today is new DLC day, so Pete was waiting for me outside my house with a letter. Nintendo attached a creepy cauldron to the letter.
This is what the creepy cauldron looks like. Maybe Jambette could brew up a potion with this.
And of course I noticed that the grass has changed color. Instead of that bluish grass that we’ve had for two months, the grass is now green again! This is a big improvement.
With it being Sunday, I went to the city to check the new emotions at the theater.

I again saw Savannah in the city and she echoed my opinion of the theater.
Back in Forest, I started watering my flowers. I talked to Avery, who dropped a bombshell on me. He said he had a song in his head and he played it. He said it was the song from Anville, where he used to live. That’s Olivia’s town. I did not know Avery came from Anville! He never mentioned it when he first moved in!
I was playing earlier than usual, and this allowed me to meet Joan…for the time ever in ACCF.
She was selling turnips for 105 bells each. I bought 90 of them in total.
I talked to Iggly and he asked me who I would rather choose, him or Jambette. Easy question. I’d choose anyone over Jambette.
And lastly, I went in Deena’s house. She has finally made her decision: She’s moving out. She’s all packed up and ready to go.
I’ve been seeing Savannah in the city a lot lately. Now I’m not sure if she’s a homeless one (moved out of someone’s town) or just a random one. But if she is a homeless one, I think there’s a good chance she’ll move in, since Deena is about to move out. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.