I started up the game and realized I still had a knife and fork from yesterday’s harvest festival. Oops. I put it into storage, where I’ll be sure to forget all about it by next year.
I went around watering my flowers (no new black roses today) and I saw Del. He was itchy, so I caught the flea that was biting him.
Walking along, I found something I did not want to see. Just as I had replaced the path where Iggly’s house was, another house plopped down right onto that same spot, messing up my path yet again. Ugh.
It belonged to my new neighbor, Sally the squirrel.
I’m actually surprised that a new neighbor moved in this soon. Iggly just moved out Wednesday. It usually seems to take close to a week for someone to move in. Unless the process is quicker now that WiiConnnect24 isn’t active? Or maybe it’s just a coincidence. I don’t know.
I’m not opening my gate tonight since I opened last night instead. But I stopped to check the items at the lost-and-found. I found a flame shirt in there, and I then put it on.