Today was the last day of November, which meant it was the last day for mushrooms. So I collected my last batch of the year.
I later opened my gate at 10:00. Yann came over to visit.
Saharah was in town, looking for old wallpaper. So I went around asking my neighbors. Sydney was sick and locked in her house, so I couldn’t ask her. Sally was locked out of her house, so I couldn’t ask her either. Of the others, only Avery and Del had old wallpaper for me.
I still needed one more, so I decided to go fishing for Sally’s key in hopes she would give me an old wallpaper. Eventually, I caught her key.
I gave it to her and she rewarded me with a metatoid.
I then asked her for old wallpaper, but she didn’t have any. It felt like I went to all that trouble recovering her key for nothing. I didn’t have an old wallpaper in storage, so I was unable to get a rare wallpaper from Saharah this time.
This marked the third time in a row, and 5th out of the last 6 times, that I only had one visitor on Wi-Fi. If this keeps up, I may have to start opening my gate less often. Not enough people play to justify opening my gate every week. So I sat in my house and listened to sad music.
In addition to the metatoid Sally gave me, I also dug up a mini tootoid. It’s been so long since I had been able to dig up a gyroid, since they only show up after a rain/snow. Anyway, Yann and I talked about food for a while, and I ended up closing my gate at midnight.