The Sudden Disappearance of Amelia

I got a letter in the mail from Amelia. She moved out today, without warning. She was my third least-favorite villager, so I don’t have a problem with that.

To: Jeff, I wonder where I'll be when you get this letter? Well, I know I won't be in Forest, because I've moved away. Thanks for everything. And take care! -AmeliaAs for the snow on the ground, today is its swan song. It will be gone as of tomorrow.

While talking to Rowan near my house, I witnessed something strange. Do you see the dirt patch on the left in the following picture?

Rowan: I had to get EXTREME just to get noticed! No yolk!That dirt patch is actually Del’s house. As I was talking to Rowan, Del came out of his house…which was invisible to me from that perspective. So Del just appeared out of thin air. It looked pretty funny; too bad I wasn’t recording a video.

I went into the Able Sisters’ shop and they had a grape hat for sale. Mabel said it would scream “grape!” I’m not so sure that screaming “GRAPE!” is a good idea…

Mabel: With matching clothes, that look will SCREAM "grape!" Beautiful!I watered my flowers and then made my way back to town hall. I deposited some money in the bank, and my balance reached 18 million bells.

Your current balance is 18,000,000 bells.