Saharah was in town today, looking for old carpeting. I went around and asked my villagers, but Rowan was the only one who had some old carpeting to give me. I put it in storage for next time.
At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest; Yann came over to visit. For some reason, she was shaking my trees and when money fell out, she would say the trees were pooping. I asked her to clean the poop up, but she refused. Yet she still kept shaking more trees. o.O So I had to clean up after her.
After a little bit, Patty also came over to visit. I hadn’t seen her in a long time. We all talked for a while, but Patty didn’t stay long. We took a group photo before she left. As you can see, Yann and I were still wearing our green outfits and hair from St. Patrick’s Day.
Yann and I just hung out and did some fishing. She was trying to catch a koi, but I wasn’t looking for anything in particular. I didn’t catch anything good.
I did see Melba sliding by me at one point. Yann was nowhere near her, so she wasn’t being pushed, either. She just slid on by, looking at me the whole time. I’ll have to include a clip of that in the next Wi-Fi Moments video, which is coming soon.
A bit later, I talked to Anabelle and she was telling me about how she lost her toothbrush. Why in the world would she need a toothbrush? Anteaters don’t have teeth!
A bit later, Skye dropped in for a minute.
Even though she couldn’t stay long, it was nice to see her again. Hopefully she’ll be able to stay longer next time. After she left, I ended the party for the night.
I will be opening up my Bananas town on March 31st (Easter Sunday). That’s a week from Sunday. I’m not sure of the time yet, but it will be earlier than my usual opening time. I will not be opening Forest next Friday.