While watering flowers today, I talked to Avery. He tried to sell me an anatomical model for over 4,000 bells. No thanks. It is kind of weird how he can’t resist buying one every time he sees one though. What kind of person animal sees an anatomical model and thinks “Must have!?”
Later on, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Yann and Wendy came over to visit. Yann saw on the bulletin board that “Toasty” (Melba) had a birthday today.
We were joking around outside town hall and Wendy made a frown face, but forgot the eyes. So naturally, we made fun of her.
Jeremiah and I had a long-distance chat.
And while Wendy was away, Avery started walking in circles. He’s being quite the oddball today.
Wendy was joking that Del wanted her (in a more-than-friends way), so I combined their names to make their relationship name: Wendell. She didn’t like that suggestion for some reason.
Wendy was checking out my full museum, and we stopped in the bug room for a picture.
At 1:00, we did the Nook door glitch, since I don’t think Wendy had seen it before. We talked about Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Animal Crossing on GameCube, Earthbound, and even Pokemon (even though I’m pretty clueless about Pokemon). We had a good time, and I ended the party around 1:10. But not before I faked them out once by saving instead of ending the party.