I got a letter in the mail today from Melba. She thanked me for getting her medicine the other day. She sent me a blue kotatsu along with the letter.
I then went to the city to check the new emotions at the theater. They didn’t have anything I wanted, but I did see Tom in the city. He’s lived in my GameCube town for a decade, and I wish he would move into my City Folk town as well.
I then returned to Forest to water my flowers. Anabelle approached me, saying she wanted to move out. I didn’t know how to respond; should I tell her to stay or wish her good luck? She’s not one of my favorites, but I don’t really dislike her either. After debating it with myself, I told her to stay (and she agreed). I really would like to get Snake out of Forest instead.
Later on, I ran into Bob. He gave me a free gift, a cabin wall. That was nice of him. Even if I did go straight to Nook’s to sell it.
I found two new black roses today, which was nice considering I hadn’t found any new ones the past several days.
I’ll see you all next time! Thank you for reading my blog!