Tonight, I opened my gate at 10:08 for Friday Night Forest. Wendy and Megan came over to visit. I went around watering my flowers, as Wendy and Megan visited Del’s grave. I saved the game at one point, and Wendy was saying welcome back to everyone. But we didn’t go anywhere!
As you may (or may not) know, I have an area where I keep extra flowers I don’t need. They’re free for my visitors to take. So Megan did. In fact, she took so many that she had to return to her town to unload her pockets. Wendy and I joked that she was stealing them all, so we set a trap for the thief. We planted a line of pitfall seeds, so that when Megan ran to get more, she would fall in one. At least that was the plan.
While we waited, we just acted weird.
When Megan came back, I told her I added more flowers to the free area (I actually did add one). She started to walk towards the flowers, but she stopped short of the pitfall seeds. She didn’t fall for it.
In fact, Wendy actually fell into one herself. But after that, we decided to head down to the beach for some summer bug-catching. We started talking about ridiculous records that might be found in the Guinness Book of World Records.
At one point, we passed Avery, and Megan said “Hi Yann.” That was a reference to something we did many months ago, where someone (perhaps me) mistook Avery for Yann briefly, and we then started calling Avery Yann (and Yann Avery) for the rest of the night.
Somehow, we ended up talking about peanut butter. We discovered that we each have our own brand. Megan has “Skippy” as a nickname, Jeff sounds a lot like Jif, and Wendy naturally goes with Peter Pan.
At 1:00, it started raining…which meant that I watered my flowers for nothing. We starting shooting our slingshots up at the clouds.
A bit later, we went to hang out in my house, and then in Scott’s house.
Up in my Gulliver room, I noticed that Wendy’s bedhead had a Triforce in it.
Shortly before 2:00, I ended the party. But I had a great time tonight.
I also made close to 200,000 bells from the great summer beetles.
By the way, I have a tentative schedule for Friday Night Forest. I’m thinking the first Friday of each month could be for ACCF, and the other Fridays will be for New Leaf. That’s subject to change, but it’s a general guideline I’ll try to remember.