Becky’s Back!

It was raining as I started up my game today. And I saw that the spot next door, where Del used to live, was no longer empty! There’s a house there again!

A new house in the spot where Del lived.So I went inside to meet my new neighbor…only to find out it was someone I already knew. It was Becky, who had just moved here from my friend Megan’s town, May West.

Becky: Fine. I'm Becky from May West, if you really need it spelled out, garbanzo.So yes, animals still can move to friends’ towns even after Nintendo discontinued WiiConnect24. I used the search box on the JVGS home page to see when I mentioned Becky before, and I saw that Becky did send me a letter last July. It’s a shame she has such a long memory, because I didn’t really want her moving in.

This actually isn’t the first time Becky has lived in Forest. I had her in my town a few years ago, before I started my blog. This isn’t the same Becky though.

But speaking of animals moving, Avery today told me had a song stuck in his head. It was the town theme from Anville, where he used to live. That’s Olivia’s town. He wondered if he still had unfinished business there.

Moving right along, I headed into another birdhouse bird’s house. Robin wanted me to feel comfortable in her home, but not so comfortable that I’d forget it’s her home and not mine.

Robin: But still, a good hostess wants her guests to feel at home, as long as they remember it's MINE.And back outside, Jeremiah asked me to find a pondskater for him. I told him “sure,” but I’m feeling a little lazy today…

Jeremiah: That's why I'm thinking that a pondskater would be the perfect pet for me!I also spotted Wendell out in the rain. Since I usually just ignore him (or mock him), I thought I would be nice for a change and give him some food. I handed him a cherry (that should fill him up) and he gave me a “coloring Resetti” pattern.

Wendell: ...So glad I found someone good to take coloring Resetti!I don’t really need it, or want it, but you’re welcome.

The coloring Resett pattern from Wendell in Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF).