The other night, Ribbot approached me, wanting to move out of town!
But fortunately, I was able to eventually change his mind.
Then today, I saw Felicity and Bob having a conversation, and they were both happy and whistling afterward. I went to go to talk to Felicity, but she turned away just as I did, and I ended up killing one of my gold roses!
I put my shovel away and tried again. She was telling me that girls have more fun when no guys are around. Yet her good mood came from a conversation with Bob………
Anyway, I made my way around town, watering flowers along the way. When I saw Jeremiah, he also wanted to move out of town! What is with all the frogs wanting to leave town? Does Forest not have enough flies for them to eat? Are they expecting the mayor to put in a giant lily pad in front of town hall? I told him to stay, but he wouldn’t commit to it.
Hopefully I’ll be able to convince him to stay in the coming days.
It’s been a while, but I’ve finally put up a new video in my Wi-Fi Moments series. Here it is, ACCF: Wi-Fi Moments #58:
Tonight I overhead a conversation between Becky and Melba. Melba was telling Becky that she looked nice today…and she asked how much the plastic surgery cost her.
Of course, this ruffled Becky’s feathers and really made her mad. She stormed off.
I went around watering my flowers, and Agent S asked me if I ever get the feeling that her and I are the same person. Actually, no. I’ve never thought that.
I also spoke with Robin and she asked me to play a game of hide and seek. Sure, why not? Agent S and Becky were the other hiders.
I quickly found Agent S behind the bulletin board, just a few feet from the starting point.
I also found Robin hiding behind a nearby house. But then I got distracted from the game. There was some drama in my New Leaf Friend Exchange chat that I had to take care of. By the time I got back to the game, the final seconds were counting down and I didn’t have a chance to find Becky. She actually wasn’t that far from where I was, either. I found her behind a tree on my dead end.