As of yesterday, snow now covers the ground; winter is here. Over by my waterfall today, Lily gave me a cabana wardrobe for free. Out of nowhere. Lily is really growing on me lately. For whatever reason, I wasn’t super thrilled with her when she first moved in. But now she’s one of the animals I want to keep around for a long time.
I decided it was time to ditch the orange Halloween path, so I switched back to my blue ice brick path for the winter.
I went in Cookie’s house to say hello, and she said there was something about me that makes her excited! It’s my clothes, isn’t it?
Actually, she said it was because I was filthy rich! So she basically admitted to being a gold digger.
While making my rounds, I saw a shadow moving across my brick path. A balloon present flew overhead, but I didn’t bother shooting it down.
Back behind Elmer’s house, Rowan got my attention and asked if I wanted to buy a shower? Uh, no thanks dude.
Speaking of Elmer, I just remembered where he lived the first time he was in town. He lived just west of my southern bridge, which just happened to block the view of my sumo ring at the time! I was quite annoyed with his house being there, which is why I wanted him gone even though I liked him as a character. It’s even in one of my Wi-Fi Moments videos when I was attacking his house with an axe and my axe broke. Ness was there helping out too.
Anyway, I was going to build a snowman tonight. But I could only find one snowball despite two full trips around town. What good is a snowman with no head? So I tossed his useless torso into the river, where no one will ever find the evidence.