Today, I saw my former New Leaf villager Benedict in the city. He was wondering where the restaurants were.
Beth had invited me over to her town Ai at 2:00, so I headed there. I noticed that she had lots of axes in her house…
I couldn’t help but wonder if she was planning on doing some Animal Chopping.
Her friend Andy, who also comments on my blogs from time to time, joined in too.
I buried a pitfall seed behind a tree and placed some verbal bait: “This tree looks funny.” Andy came over to investigate first, but he missed the pitfall. Beth wasn’t as lucky.
Andy suggested posing for a picture. I just stood there, but that could count as a pose, right?
As you may know, when you use the delight emotion (applauding) while holding a tool, only one hand will clap–it looks like you’re hitting your stomach. But considering I was wearing the New Year’s 2014 shirt with the horse on it, it looked like I was beating a dead horse.
Around 2:45, I left and returned home to Forest. I actually didn’t resume my game until later tonight when I went to visit K.K. at The Roost. I asked him for a random song and he played K.K. Lullaby for me.
When I circled back around to my house, I saw that I had mail. It was from Mott, a lion I met in Beth’s town. He was telling me about how he didn’t shower today. I don’t know why he needed to point that out…
I finished up watering my flowers and then ended my game for the night. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!