Visiting Beth’s Town

Today, I saw my former New Leaf villager Benedict in the city. He was wondering where the restaurants were.

Benedict: Where the heck are all the restaurants around here?Beth had invited me over to her town Ai at 2:00, so I headed there. I noticed that she had lots of axes in her house…

A room that had many golden axes on the floor.I couldn’t help but wonder if she was planning on doing some Animal Chopping.

Her friend Andy, who also comments on my blogs from time to time, joined in too.

Beth, Andy, and Jeff near the gate.I buried a pitfall seed behind a tree and placed some verbal bait: “This tree looks funny.” Andy came over to investigate first, but he missed the pitfall. Beth wasn’t as lucky.

Beth, dressed as Pikachu, struggles to get out of a pitfall.Andy suggested posing for a picture. I just stood there, but that could count as a pose, right?

Posing for a picture with Beth and Andy.As you may know, when you use the delight emotion (applauding) while holding a tool, only one hand will clap–it looks like you’re hitting your stomach. But considering I was wearing the New Year’s 2014 shirt with the horse on it, it looked like I was beating a dead horse.

Jeff 'beats a dead horse' as he hits the horse on his shirt.Around 2:45, I left and returned home to Forest. I actually didn’t resume my game until later tonight when I went to visit K.K. at The Roost. I asked him for a random song and he played K.K. Lullaby for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Lullaby.When I circled back around to my house, I saw that I had mail. It was from Mott, a lion I met in Beth’s town. He was telling me about how he didn’t shower today. I don’t know why he needed to point that out…

Jeff! 'Sup from Ai! It's me, Mott! I'll tell you now, but that day you came over, I hadn't showered. Was I all smelly? Talk to you later! WOO! --MottI finished up watering my flowers and then ended my game for the night. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!

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