Late Night Chats

Lily approached me tonight, telling me Rowan insulted her choice in clothing. What, just because you’re wearing a caveman shirt? I told her it didn’t matter, and that she can wear whatever she wants.

Lily: If you love what you wear, you shouldn't let other people tell you to change, frogger!When I went to speak with Rowan, he was still talking about clothes. But he was just bragging how the chocolate pattern from Wendell makes his biceps look huge. Yeah, keep dreaming.

Rowan: People are into how it makes my biceps look HUGE. Well, they haven't said it, but I can tell.Elmer was over by the one empty house; he said he asked the ladies at town hall if he could use it to store his snacks.

Elmer: Even though I asked really nicely and promised to give her some, she said no.I went in to visit Pate, and she has these two gyroids in her house. They alternate between looking depressed and looking frightening.

Two gyroids in Pate's house. One looks scared, while the other looks scary.But Pate isn’t the only odd duck in town. I found Miranda walking in circles around a gold rose. I stood there for a while, and she just kept going and going.

Miranda walking in circles around a gold rose.And last but not least, I also spoke with Ribbot tonight. He said he was going to take a bath and then head for bed. Won’t he rust? He was only concerned with what people would think of him if he smelled good and had smooth skin. Well, they’d probably think you weren’t a robot, for one thing…

Ribbot: What would people think if I smelled good and had smooth skin?!

Ducking Out

The other day, the snowman I built sent me this snowman lamp in the mail.

A snowman lamp I got in the mail from a snowman I built.And last night, Pate talked to me about moving out of town. I barely know anything about him her, so I asked her to stay in town. She said she was going to move out anyway, though. We’ll see.

Pate: Well, I'm still gonna leave! Although I did think it over pretty hard, down under.Then today, it was snowing in town. That provided some relief from having to water my flowers. I spoke with several of my villagers, including Avery, who was sick and could hardly talk.

Avery: Huff, huff, huff... Can't speak... Too...painful, awk, awk.I bought some medicine for him and he gulped it down. Hey, no flying in the house!

Avery flips as he takes his medicine, appearing to fly.Every once in a while, I try to post an updated list of my current villagers. So these are the animals living in Forest: Ribbot, Lily, Pate, Miranda, Melba, Avery, Octavian, Nate, Elmer, and Rowan. That’s two frogs, two ducks, a koala, an eagle, an octopus, a bear, a horse, and a tiger. And here is a look at my current town map. I just noticed that no villagers live west of the river right now.

My Forest town map as of January 2014.

Rowan’s Indecision

I saw Nate tonight and decided to speak with him (for a change). He told me that K.K.’s songs are like ice cream for your ears.

Nate: K.K. Slider's songs are cool, sweet, and smooth. They're like ice cream for my ears!If nothing else, that analogy reminded me to visit K.K. in the Roost. I asked him for a random song and he played “Only Me” for me (and Octavian).

I listen as K.K. performs Only Me. Octavian is also present, enjoying some coffee.Back outside, I bumped into Rowan. He told me he wanted to move out of town. I asked him not to leave, but he said he was leaving anyway. I figured I’d try to convince him to stay again if I see him, but I’m not going to go out of my way to keep him around. Even though I like him, he’s no Bob.

Rowan: So just help me make sure my last memories of this place are extra awesome, rowr!I found both of today’s snowballs, so I rolled up a snowman. He was pleased with his appearance and declared himself an eligible snowbachelor. Melba seemed to take notice right away. Stay away from her, Snowman! Even though you may want to go down under with her, she’ll melt your heart!

Snowman: This will be the year I finally hit number one on Precipitation Monthly's list of eligible snowbachelors!I spoke with Elmer, and he told me lost a race to Octavian. A horse lost a race to an octopus? For your sake, I hope you were racing underwater.

Elmer: I was in a race a while ago. Octavian came in first place, Avery came in second place...Just a few minutes later, I saw Rowan again. He again talked about moving out, and he gave me another chance to save him. This time, he agreed to stay in town. That was easy.

Rowan: Your tears have, like, rusted the iron boulder of my heart, rowr.And last but not least, I spoke with Miranda. She told me that Nate and Avery have been fighting lately. She’s afraid it was going to end up in a brutal food fight, with stew thrown all over town. And that’s a bad thing how?

Miranda: I bet there's going to be a food fight before long. With lentil stew thrown all over town!