Remember how Nate looked as if he was pondering something on Saturday? I think I found out the reason as I checked my mail today. I got a goodbye letter from him. No warning, he just bolted in the night.
And today was April Fool’s Day, so Tortimer was outside of town hall to hand out gifts. But as he handed me a gift, I noticed there was no item. He was handing me nothing, and I put that nothing in my pocket. April Fool’s. Oh he got me good, oh ho ho horf.
But then he gave me the real gift, which is absolutely real…and yet, just as useless as the nothing. It’s a leaf. Not a New Leaf, just a leaf. You put it in your house and it looks like a leaf because it is a leaf. Oh joy.
Okay, so I’m not a fan of Tortimer’s sense of humor. But I made my walk around town, and saw that some trees now have pink leaves (to represent cherry blossoms, even though actual cherry trees won’t have them). They’re only around in early April, so enjoy them while you can!
I didn’t find any new black roses today, but I did find a new blue rose. I’ll see you all next time!