It was dark and rainy in Forest tonight. Octavian sent me a letter in the mail, thanking me for giving him medicine while he was sick. He attached a djimbe drum to the letter. I like the stationery he used.
I saw someone walking behind the cliff, so I went to see who it was.
“See what I discover?” It looks like I discovered a talking cliff. Where are you?
I also found Wendy walking around in the rain. She was distressed over something. Something bad.

She locked herself out of her house. That is pretty bad, but it’s way too late at night for me to go fishing for her key.
I also ran into Bunnie, and she wanted to buy my djimbe drum. She offered just 760 bells, but my pockets were full, so I gladly obliged. She thanked me for being so easy. Excuse me?
With fossils I dug up, it wasn’t long before my pockets filled up again. When I see stray flowers that don’t belong, I’ll often pick them up to sell them or put them in my free flower area for Wi-Fi visitors. But when my pockets are full?
I found two new black roses tonight, which means I only need two more! It’s hard to believe that after working towards getting these flowers for years, I’m almost there! Of course I’ll still need to turn the black roses gold, but that’s an easier task than breeding the black roses to start with.
Just a reminder for people on my ACCF roster that this Friday (May 2nd) is my last Friday Night Forest for ACCF! I’ll also be opening my gate one last time on May 19th, but that’s on a Monday. If you’re on my roster, be there!