In Octavian’s house, he had a campfire behind his flowers. At first glance, I was alarmed; it looks like the flowers are on fire!
I went in to say hi to Moe today, and he actually looks cute when his eyes are closed. Maybe I just need to buy him some sunglasses–some huge sunglasses.
And over by my museum, I found a new black rose.
If you’re wondering why that has any significance, I’ll tell you: It’s the last one I need! For years, I’ve been planning on doing a new town tour once I line all my paths with gold roses. And to make gold roses, you need black roses. (If you water wilted black roses with the golden watering can, they’ll turn into gold roses which never need to be watered). In fact, I even called that my ultimate long-term goal in my very first blog entry back in 2011.
Of course I’m not quite ready to record the video just yet. I still need to convert a couple dozen black roses into gold roses. But I now have everything I need to do it. However, it will require a change in strategy: Rather than watering my black roses like I’ve been doing, I now have to carefully not water them–at least not until they’re wilted.
Every flower I water (out of the force of habit) could potentially delay the process. And the upcoming rainy season could hamper my progress as well. But I’m on the home stretch now, and my goal is finally within reach.
Tonight, I opened my gate for my final Friday Night Forest in ACCF. Chris and Yann came over to visit; it was nice to see them again. I popped some party poppers in their faces and also blew some dandelion seeds on them. We eventually made our way to my house, where they met my farting tootoids.
Chris was asking about the skeleton; Yann and I both responded that it was Jorge.
In my golden basement, I was surprised to see my old lowercase logo.
And in my Gulliver room, Yann was examining the statues a bit too closely.
Chris bought a flame shirt at Able Sisters, just like the one I was wearing.
Later, Yann made the mistake of going into the museum. I knew she’d have to come out sometime. And that’s when I struck.
I started my timer for no apparent reason, but Yann and I each caught a fish. Chris caught none and lost the competition. Even though we weren’t competing, he still lost.
We did a lot of reminiscing about the good times we’ve had. The timer reminded us of Chris’s time bomb game, in which he sets a timer and then buries it. The first time he did it years ago, he kept urging us to find the timer while Allie and I basically ignored him for a while. Clearly, we weren’t taking his threats to blow up the town seriously.
We also remembered Bob. Chris always used to spend time with Bob when he came to Forest, and he’d repeat (over Wii Speak) what Bob was telling him. We went to visit Bob’s grave tonight, and we found Moe there.
I don’t care for Moe.
Yann hasn’t been on my ACCF roster as long as Chris has, but we have our memories as well. We visited the spot where we trapped five animals in the first few hours of 2012.
We talked about how Chris used to always remove the “Dead End” patterns from my dead end. He joked that without the warning, the animals would walk right off the cliff and die. To my surprise, he didn’t remove the patterns tonight though. But as we were standing near there, we saw Ribbot go up to Wendy’s door and just stand there. I don’t know what a robot would need from a sheep in the middle of the night. Maybe he just wanted to shear her.
From a bit farther out on my dead end, I tried to wave to Goose. He did not seem interested.
We used Bunnie’s house to try doing the glitch where we all bounce around. It doesn’t work particularly well with only three people, but I was able to do some cool kung-fu fighting moves in there!
At 1:00, I showed them the Nook glitch where they get stuck in the doorway (until I stop reading the sign). Of course Yann has seen that glitch numerous times before, but I think it was new to Chris. Although he didn’t seem that impressed. “That’s it?”
After that, I ended the party. And Friday Night Forests in ACCF are now officially over. I’ll still open my gate on Monday, May 19th, though. Both Yann and Chris indicated they’d like to come then too.
Before opening tonight, I put together a new Wi-Fi Moments video. It does not include anything that happened tonight, and some of these clips are old. This is not the final episode, but the series is winding down of course. I hope you enjoy it: