
I got a letter from Mom, and she told me she recently bought a portable gaming system! Is this a subtle way of advertising Nintendo’s portable systems? I think so.

Dear Jeff, I've finally dragged myself into the present and bought a portable gaming device! Now I'll never be bored again! I'm off to play now! -MomLily was sick tonight, so I bought some medicine for her. Hopefully she’ll start feeling better soon. But if not, maybe I could have some tasty frog legs.

Lily flips as she takes some medicine.I got a big surprise when I went in to visit Octavian: He’s all packed and ready to move out of town! This is disappointing, because he’s one of the villagers I wanted to stick around. I can think of eight reasons that this sucks. I’ll hate to sea his house gone the next time I play. I wish he could stay, but I’m not holding my breath.

Octavian: Hmph... You never realize how much stuff you've got until you see it packed up, octo-dude.As I continued my walk around town, I saw Wendy across the river. I stopped to wave hello to her. “Hey, ewe!”

I wave to Wendy the sheep from across the river.