Runaway Horse

Tonight, Friga was talking about fishing…and how she’s glad she’s not the fish.

Friga: And then, when a fish bites, it makes me think how very lucky I am...that I'm not the fish.I visited Ed, and he just remembered that he’s moving out of town. Even though he’s already packed up, he somehow forgot why. I guess he’s not the brightest lantern in the barn, if you know what I mean.

Ed: Hey... Hold up... Oh, yeah! I just remembered I'm bailing out of this town!Saharah was in town, and she was looking for old wallpaper. So I went around to ask all of my villagers for some. Except for Ed the horse, of course, of course. Three of the others had some old wallpaper for me: Bunnie, Prince, and Lily.

Lily: And you can just keep whatever she gives you in exchange. I don't need it!I took the three items to Saharah, and she gave me a basement wall in return.

Saharah: Here...a basement wall. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.I was quite disappointed at first…until I checked my checklist and saw that it was an item I still needed for my catalog. So I decided to take a look at it. It’s honestly much better than its name implies. If anything, it should be called a dungeon wall. I like it!

The basement wall on display in my creepy furniture room.I put the wallpaper into storage for possible future use, and then I took the bus to the city. It was snowing there, and I saw that the path to the Reset Surveillance Center was open.

A light coming from the opening to the Reset Surveillance Center.I went inside, and nobody was home! Resetti and/or Don must have just scrambled to bug some poor Animal Intersection player. 😀 Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do in here. I couldn’t sit in the chairs, I couldn’t turn the TV on, I couldn’t look in the lockers, I couldn’t even eat the last piece of pizza!

The Reset Surveillance Center empty. Nobody's home!