The fishing tournament was held today, and it was a sea bass-only tournament. I only had about ten minutes before the tournament ended (at 6:00 p.m.), so I started fishing right away.
The first five sea bass I caught failed to top Bettina’s record. But I caught a sixth sea bass and began talking to Chip. As he was talking, the clock struck six. But I gave him the fish, and it was 43.8 inches long. I won the fishing tournament, even though technically, I gave him the fish after time was up. But he accepted it, so I’m not going to complain!
Chip told me that my prize would be in the mail.
At the site of a former villager’s home (Prince’s house, I think), I found a new orange rose. Even though I’m not purposely breeding flowers, and I don’t really need them anyway since I have a bunch in storage, I still get that little spark of excitement when a new hybrid flower pops up. It’s kind of silly, but BEHOLD THE ORANGE ROSE!
Beneath the purple evening sky, Frobert the frog suggested a new nickname for me. He said he’s going to call me “big bro.”
After completing a lap around town and talking to all my villagers, I took the bus out to the city. I was just paying attention to some details on the scenery. Pictures of Shrunk and Frillard are displayed on the outside of the marquee, and the ABD (ATM) has a picture of a bag of bells on top. And then there’s the mystery building on the corner; it clearly has some gifts on display in the window. Too bad that building has no real use (or even a doorway).