Now that April is here, some of the trees in town are pink from the cherry blossoms. They’ll be around for the next week or so. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be a lot of them around town. This was the only spot I could find with two of them close to each other.
Angus was telling me about how people will try to tell him to hold his tools. Uhh…
He said it’s not just about grip, it’s also about being close enough to strike. At this point, the awkward conversation was making me feel uncomfortable.

After circling around town, I took the bus to the city. I saw the cones moved out of the way, which allowed me to enter the Reset Surveillance Center.
Resetti was inside, ranting about how people should talk about their problems. As opposed to yelling at someone for resetting, perhaps?
I caught him a rare mood where he actually wanted to keep talking. There were no resetting emergencies to cause him to leave, and he didn’t yell at me to get out. He started talking about his kid, and how he hasn’t seen him or her for a whole week. I didn’t even realize he had a kid!
As I continued talking to him, he gave me permission to finish the pizza he left! I was wondering about that pizza the last time I was in here. But unfortunately, it looks like the same slice that was there last month. I think I’ll pass this time.