Mouse on the Move

It was raining in Forest tonight, and Cousteau declared that the rain was lame and wimpy.

Cousteau: Rain is lame, Jeff. It's all wet, and drippy, and...wimpy, oui oui.Bettina told me that she was planning on moving out of town soon! That was welcome news, and it seems that Fang seemed to enjoy the announcement as well.

Bettina: I've been thinking about moving, toasty.I took my Cleveland Cavaliers logo patterns out of storage, and I displayed them near the gate.

My Cleveland Cavaliers logo pattern near my gate.After a completely pointless trip out to the city, I returned to catch a performance from K.K. Slider. I asked for a random song, and he played My Place for me. I like that song.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: My Place.Thanks for stopping by. See you all next time!