Hungry For Fossils

Alfonso asked me to play hide-and-seek tonight, in his own unique way.

Alfonso: Your heart starts pounding and the butterflies in your belly start flapping around like crazy. It's so fun!I had 15 minutes to find two gators and a kangaroo (Alfonso, Allie, and Kitt). I quickly found Allie behind a house and Kitt behind Nook ‘n’ Go.

Kitt: Jeff, I'm impressed! How'd you know I was here, child?!A few minutes later, I found Alfonso behind a tree. It was an unusually quick game of hide-and-seek this time. Alfonso gave me a nebuloid as my prize for winning.

Alfonso: Since you're so good, I want you have to a nebuloid!My villagers were hungry for fossils today! A whopping four of them asked me to find fossils for them! Bunnie didn’t care which type of fossil it was, but Friga, Fang, and Twiggy had specific ones in mind.

Twiggy: I need an ankylo torso! Then I'd look smart and be able to ask questions about politics or whatever!On the bridge near the museum, I found Pascal hanging out. He was talking about kids squids, and how they never sleep.

Pascal: Squids don't sleep, maaan. They just close their eyes and pretend to snore!I gave him a scallop and he gave me a barrel in return.

When I identified my fossils, I found one of the ones I was looking for (Twiggy’s ankylo torso). I took that to her, and I also took a dinosaur egg to Bunnie. She was wondering where it’s been all her life. Is she some sort of dino Easter bunny?

Bunnie: It's a dinosaur egg! Oh, where have you been all my life?I don’t know if she’s going to try to hatch it, or if she just wants to decorate it. I was afraid to ask.

Cupcake Flowers

I went to the Roost to catch K.K.’s weekly musical performance tonight, and he played Señor K.K. for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Senor K.K.I visited Alfonso, and he told me he’s started to take an interest in flowers. His favorites are cookie flowers, pizza flowers, and cupcake flowers. I think he may be a bit confused…

Alfonso: But my favorite flowers of all are cookie flowers, and pizza flowers, and cupcake flowers!Outside, Broccolo asked me why I’m so good at keeping secrets. He asked if I was a spy! Silly mouse…I’m not allowed to answer that question.

Broccolo: How are you SO good at keeping secrets? Wait a sec! Are you a spy, Boy J?

Jay Moves In

Yesterday, I got a letter from Broccolo. He thanked me for the medicine I’ve been giving him lately, and he sent me a desert cactus as a gift.

Alfonso asked me to take a gift over to Static, so I agreed to help him out. Static opened the present, and it was a common floor. He called it an expensive gift…you have to love Static’s sarcasm.

Static: Whoa! Can this be genuine? A common floor? I gotta have a talk with Alfonso about such expensive gifts!Today, there was a new house in town! It belongs to Jay. As long as it’s not Jay Leno! Fortunately, it’s a bird instead.

Jay: WHOA! You must be one of my new Forest neighbors!I took a bus out to the city, and I saw my old friend Del there.

Del: Don't just stand there thinking of your hair, creep!How rude! You’re just jealous because you don’t have hair! Actually, he wasn’t talking about me; he was talking about someone he saw coming out of Shampoodle before they got on the bus back to a town called Forest. Hey wait, maybe it was me after all!

As I boarded the bus, I saw a lunar delclipse.

Del's head blocks the moon as I board the bus.